- I'm still at home because we are on public holiday (Malaysia 57th Independence Day on 31st August).
- I have been drinking lot of tea since the beginning of this week. At mamak I will definitely order teh tarik while at home I make my own. I prefer my tea to be sugar less. I didn't put in any sugar in my tea or coffee. I taste it best that way. So I couldn't make tea for my friends and family because they won't like it. Yah, too much tea I guess my stomach is quite upset. :,( *sigh*
- I also caught flu because I have been doing some cleaning without mask. Just mild ones. Hope to get better soon. (My thought on this: Alhamdulilah if Allah befall me with this just to remove my sins. This is the only reason that make me feel more serene in facing tribulation. Indeed the remembrance of Allah do hearts find at rest -13:28)
- I slept this morning and woke up a little bit upset because it is just a dream. I wish it was real. Allah knows. But I still wish one day it will come true because I'm waiting. In sya Allah. :)
- PMS alert: My eyesight got bit blurred every time. (Anyone experience this too?)
- Here is one of my Youtube history that I would like to share. I hope it can be beneficial to everyone. :)
Study Less, Study Smart - Marty Lobdell
Off two things from this video that I would like to put in my weekly goals are:
- To spent at least 5 -10 minutes after each class to review and expand the notes that I've been jot down during lecture.
- Do more mnemonics to memorize stuff.
He introduce some other tips on how to maximize our study time. I have been practicing one which is to study in small chunk of time. I take a 5 minutes break after 15 minutes of studying. I know to some people 15 minutes is short study time but for me, my attention span only lasts around that. There go my effective study period. What's yours?
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