Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Believe in yourself


Tomorrow is my first OSCE examination which include CVS and respiratory system. MasyaAllah I feel like roller coster in my heart. I couldn't imagine the situation tomorrow. We will be given 5 minutes each to perform the examination. It is a standardize clinical examination where we have to examine our patient.  Alhamdulilah we have been briefed and practiced on it. May Allah help us through tomorrow Amin.

Off few things I learned today are:
  1. When you are unsure about a thing, ASK! I had a terrible night because I couldn't get my PBL assignment right. Every time before PBL presentation I will freak out. I always think that my answer is not good enough and end up stressing about that. Which I was suppose to believe in myself right? I had done the reading and assignment as I was suppose to do. Hmm. So I decided to ask my lecturer about my part and she was just fine with it. Yes it is not complete but she said "don't stress out, this is just PBL and if there's anything that need to improve we can add it up right" Ahhhh Alhamdulilah. :,)
  2. ASK, the RIGHT person. Haha. Yes. As i mentioned tomorrow is the first time our batch will have OSCE examination. instead of asking the senior per se, we should also ask the lecturer who in charge of the OSCE. Alhamdulilah my batch leader got in contact with the head of OSCE. She agree to see us and explain. Alhamdulilah. At least I got a clearer image of tomorrow. In sya Allah it will be okay right? :) 
  3. One of my lecturer mentioned something like "we are not going to be the best doctor, but a good enough one is enough because there always room for improvement in just good enough". So lets make improvement and always forgive yourself. In sya Allah.
  4. Each of us yearn to be happy and get to be with someone that make us happy in sya Allah. I need to make sure that I am happy myself so that I can make others happy too. Be content with what I have right now and focus on what important. Do what is necessary and ALWAYS leave the rest to Allah. He knows best. Allah please make my heart firm on your path and make believe on what You have in store for me. 
  5. Those who are good in certain things, they teach others sincerely. O Allah, make us one of those kind. Amin

Let always make dua. He will ALWAYS listen and answer them, right?

Best of luck CVS OSCE and written paper this Friday Batch 2013.


P/S: hb

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