Is it heamatology or hematology? They said this is the toughest block of our year two. It's a challenged for us to perform well in this block. I put in high hope for this because I have some regret during final respiratory the other day. I was so nervous that I couldn't do my OSCE well. I couldn't even answer the question prompted. The answer is as simple as heart failure. It was at the tip of my tongue but I couldn't say it. How sad. But,
Alhamdulilah thank you Allah for that.
From there I learnt a lot of things. I would also like to thank my roomate MasyaAllah for her strenuous efforts to keep me sane that day and push me to discover what is right.
She told me that "You know you had done your best, work on it and practiced. It is just a matter of that day Allah does not allow that to happen. The way you wanted. From now on stand for yourself and try not to hold on the things that we cannot change." Masya Allah. I can see through her Allah is teaching me new perspective. I did cried on her though but I knew that will be the last one on this matter. Alhamdulilah.
At the end of the day, I discover that maybe OSCE is not the thing that Allah wanted to test me at that time. Maybe it just something more important that I have to realize. In sya Allah for better us.
Oh, Hello Hematology! Please be good ;)