Saturday, September 27, 2014

Upset and dissapointed


Hey hey hey

Last night was really upsetting and today too. I put it hard on me. I disappointed with myself. Whattodo whattodo. Couldn't say more but really I'm disappointed. How to get over this feeling huh? Need some enlightenment. 

Dear future me, can you please come and tell that everything going to be fine.

Oh Allah, help me out :(

Take care world

Monday, September 15, 2014

New block: Heamatology


Is it heamatology or hematology? They said this is the toughest block of our year two. It's a challenged for us to perform well in this block. I put in high hope for this because I have some regret during final respiratory the other day. I was so nervous that I couldn't do my OSCE well. I couldn't even answer the question prompted. The answer is as simple as heart failure. It was at the tip of my tongue but I couldn't say it. How sad. But,

Alhamdulilah thank you Allah for that.

From there I learnt a lot of things. I would also like to thank my roomate MasyaAllah for her strenuous efforts to keep me sane that day and push me to discover what is right.

She told me that "You know you had done your best, work on it and practiced. It is just a matter of that day Allah does not allow that to happen. The way you wanted. From now on stand for yourself and try not to hold on the things that we cannot change." Masya Allah. I can see through her Allah is teaching me new perspective. I did cried on her though but I knew that will be the last one on this matter. Alhamdulilah.

At the end of the day, I discover that maybe OSCE is not the thing that Allah wanted to test me at that time. Maybe it just something more important that I have to realize. In sya Allah for better us. 

Oh, Hello Hematology! Please be good ;)


Reflection: Are You Jealous of Others?


By: Mufti Menk

Let's take time and reflect. Are we the type of girl that jealous of others? if yes, maybe it's time to revisit our iman and faith. In sya Allah.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Believe in yourself


Tomorrow is my first OSCE examination which include CVS and respiratory system. MasyaAllah I feel like roller coster in my heart. I couldn't imagine the situation tomorrow. We will be given 5 minutes each to perform the examination. It is a standardize clinical examination where we have to examine our patient.  Alhamdulilah we have been briefed and practiced on it. May Allah help us through tomorrow Amin.

Off few things I learned today are:
  1. When you are unsure about a thing, ASK! I had a terrible night because I couldn't get my PBL assignment right. Every time before PBL presentation I will freak out. I always think that my answer is not good enough and end up stressing about that. Which I was suppose to believe in myself right? I had done the reading and assignment as I was suppose to do. Hmm. So I decided to ask my lecturer about my part and she was just fine with it. Yes it is not complete but she said "don't stress out, this is just PBL and if there's anything that need to improve we can add it up right" Ahhhh Alhamdulilah. :,)
  2. ASK, the RIGHT person. Haha. Yes. As i mentioned tomorrow is the first time our batch will have OSCE examination. instead of asking the senior per se, we should also ask the lecturer who in charge of the OSCE. Alhamdulilah my batch leader got in contact with the head of OSCE. She agree to see us and explain. Alhamdulilah. At least I got a clearer image of tomorrow. In sya Allah it will be okay right? :) 
  3. One of my lecturer mentioned something like "we are not going to be the best doctor, but a good enough one is enough because there always room for improvement in just good enough". So lets make improvement and always forgive yourself. In sya Allah.
  4. Each of us yearn to be happy and get to be with someone that make us happy in sya Allah. I need to make sure that I am happy myself so that I can make others happy too. Be content with what I have right now and focus on what important. Do what is necessary and ALWAYS leave the rest to Allah. He knows best. Allah please make my heart firm on your path and make believe on what You have in store for me. 
  5. Those who are good in certain things, they teach others sincerely. O Allah, make us one of those kind. Amin

Let always make dua. He will ALWAYS listen and answer them, right?

Best of luck CVS OSCE and written paper this Friday Batch 2013.


P/S: hb

Sunday, September 7, 2014



I know some people just love surprises. Surprise our family members and all. 
But I don't fancy a sudden visit to our house without telling us beforehand. Just have courtesy to at least leave a text or phone call telling that you guys are coming. At least we could be prepared. Please. 

Wishing for better world. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fast Speed


Things are happening really fast. We grow up. We talk. We share everything. We hang out together. We study. We help each other.

Many things we did together.

  • things does not goes the way as it is supposed to be
  • one of our world fall apart
  • we are in trouble
  • life started to crushed you
  • you failed 
  • you fall hard at the lowest point of your life
Life will start to slow down by then, 
And you realized the true colors of people that you used to be with.
Who were they?
Who am I in their life? NOTHING BUT A MISTAKE.

Life. You only see the truth when it is unfavorable.

Everything is temporary. Let's pray for better life.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Can we get tea intoxicated?


  1. I'm still at home because we are on public holiday (Malaysia 57th Independence Day on 31st August).
  2. I have been drinking lot of tea since the beginning of this week. At mamak I will definitely order teh tarik while at home I make my own. I prefer my tea to be sugar less. I didn't put in any sugar in my tea or coffee. I taste it best that way. So I couldn't make tea for my friends and family because they won't like it. Yah, too much tea I guess my stomach is quite upset. :,( *sigh*
  3. I also caught flu because I have been doing some cleaning without mask. Just mild ones. Hope to get better soon. (My thought on this: Alhamdulilah if Allah befall me with this just to remove my sins. This is the only reason that make me feel more serene in facing tribulation. Indeed the remembrance of Allah do hearts find at rest -13:28)
  4.  I slept this morning and woke up a little bit upset because it is just a dream. I wish it was real. Allah knows. But I still wish one day it will come true because I'm waiting. In sya Allah. :)
  5. PMS alert: My eyesight got bit blurred every time. (Anyone experience this too?)
  6. Here is one of my Youtube history that I would like to share. I hope it can be beneficial to everyone. :)
Study Less, Study Smart - Marty Lobdell

 Off two things from this video that I would like to put in my weekly goals are: 
  1. To spent at least 5 -10 minutes after each class to review and expand the notes that I've been jot down during lecture. 
  2. Do more mnemonics to memorize stuff. 
He introduce some other tips on how to maximize our study time. I have been practicing one which is to study in small chunk of time. I take a 5 minutes break after 15 minutes of studying. I know to some people 15 minutes is short study time but for me, my attention span only lasts around that. There go my effective study period. What's yours? 
