Sunday, July 20, 2014

About me

These are a few questions that I googled about me. A simple introduction.

1. What is your middle name?
I don't think our family have one 

 2. What is your favorite drink?
Anything coffee-ish, chocolatey and my personalized fresh fruit juice

 3. What is your favorite song at the moment?:
MAGIC! -rude

4. What is your favorite food?
I like western and a big fan of my mom's and dad's cook

5. What is the last thing you bought?
My SJ4000 (GOLD) online

6. Favorite book of all time?
Harry Potter collection 

7. Favorite Color?
Currently: Light pink and Rose Gold!

8. Do you have any pets?
My neighbour cats that always come in (Gupy, Loki, Gupy brother and Loki brother -named by my lil sis)

9. Favorite Perfume?:
Currently using Victoria Secret Summer Sunset body mist

10. Favorite Holiday?

11. Are you married?:
Not yet

12. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?
Yeah a few times

13. Do you speak any other language?:
Not yet (planning to learn one)

14. How many siblings do you have?:

15. What is your favorite store?:
Can't tell because I'm obsessed with online shopping. 

16. Favorite restaurant?

17. When was the last time you cried?
The time when I lost my matrix card before my final exams.

18. Favorite Blog?
There are many fantastic one that I follow. But a website that I frequently visit is Elite Daily

19. Favorite Movie?
Iron Man

20. Favorite TV show?
The Big Bang Theory, Grey's Anatomy

21. PC or Mac?:
I own PC but I adore Mac

22. What phone do you have?
Blackberry Z10

23. How tall are you?

24. Can you cook?
I guess 


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